As previously reported, the update will feature a new location, Ambrose Island, alongside two Elusive Targets and The Himmapan Hotel - a free location available now. This hotel and spa is located in Bangkok and is a haven for the upper class. Hitman 3 owners and Free Starter Pack players can enjoy this rotating location for ten days. Live now is the latest Elusive Target: The Revolutionary. A fan favorite, the target is Vicente Murillo, who is currently patrolling Santa Fortuna. He will stick around for ten days. July 14 will see the latest Elusive Target Arcade arrive. It comes with the Iridescent Katana; if you complete any batches, you will unlock it. The following day will see the release of another Elusive Target, The Food Critic. Wen Ts’ai has a security team protecting him as he critiques the Himmapan Hotels dishes. If this is your first time playing an Elusive Target in Bangkok, the Casual Suit with Gloves will unlock if you complete the contract. Community Featured Contracts will also feature, and it seems at least one is pirate-themed, which will pair nicely with the release of Ambrose Island. Speaking of Ambrose Island, the new map arrives on July 26 with Game Update 3.120. Alongside the new location, this update features fixes to some community-reported issues and some QoL improvements.