Trials of Osiris is now more accessible, rewarding and engaging for all players and not just the top 1% of sweats who play nothing but PVP all day. So you can earn the best trials rewards, we’ve put together some of our top tips for scoring a flawless run in Destiny 2’s Trials of Osiris. Check out the embedded video above for our strategy rundown, or read on below.

Destiny 2 Trials of Osiris Flawless Run

One of the biggest achievements in Trials of Osiris is getting seven wins in a row. This is what’s known as a flawless run and grants access to the Lighthouse and the loot chest there for some of the best rewards and materials in the game. It’s not easy to get seven wins in a row but hopefully with this tips and tricks video you’ll learn a thing or two to win more rounds, games and eventually go Flawless.

How to go Flawless in Trials of Osiris

You need to play as a team for so many reasons. This means staying close to your fireteam at all times. For one, Team shooting will drop enemies like flies, you’ll win more trades and secondly if one of you goes down you’re already in close range to get the revive. The only reason you don’t stay grouped up as a team is either the enemy has a Super and you need to do a quick delta split or you’ve agreed with your fireteam to send someone to flank. Apart from that you need to try and stay in lock step with your teammates. Don’t let your enemies revive their teammates for free. If you kill someone dont run away from their bodies and let the enemy revive them. Guard them! Treat the location of their death as a fixed point now and you guard and block the enemy from reviving like your life depends on it! I’ve seen so many rounds lost from players letting people revive for free. Additionally to this, be aggressive If you’ve downed someone from a distance and it’s now 3vs2. Push the enemy team together as you have the player count advantage to win the shootout, and if you don’t win that fight because the enemy disengaged, as a minimum you’ve pushed them away from reviving their team mate. Stop letting people revive for free! Heavy ammo spawns on Round 4. You need to secure it for your team and deny it to the enemy because heavy ammo is almost alway multiple free kills. Use whatever guns you are most comfortable with but don’t be scared to adjust your loadout. I love hand cannons and I’ll use them 95% of the time but there are moments when pulse rifles, scouts, snipers and bows come out on the enemy team and I’m forced to change because I’m simply getting outraged in certain longer range sightlines. The faster I adapt and say “this handcannon isn’t working” the better. If you can’t beat em, join em. If they all play long range, you play long range, if they all play close range, you play close. Ideally, though, you want your fireteam set up to cover all ranges so get familiar with other weapons you might not normally use and just be prepared to swap from your favorite loadout when needs be. Some players in Destiny 2’s PVP know nothing but run forwards and slide with shotguns! These players will continue to do so as long as it works and they get kills. They are incredibly aggressive and the faster you recognize playstyles like this the easier you can do what I call back peddling. This is exactly what it sounds like, but you’d be so surprised how many fights I win because I didn’t get baited into a 50/50 shotgun duel and instead walked back a centimetre or three out of one hit KO shotgun range, creating space between us and 3-tapped the Titan trying to rush me down. It sounds stupid but trust me, try it! The game shows your enemies’ Supers for a reason. It’s so you can play accordingly. If they have a big area-of-effect Super ready, don’t stay grouped up! Or if they have a roaming Super and yours is a shut down Super, save yours to stop them dead in their tracks. If they have a roaming Super, just run for your life and try to survive until it runs out. If you don’t know, a roaming super is like a Hunter’s Golden Gun or Titan’s Fist of Havoc, and a shutdown Super is like Hunter’s Blade Barrage or Warlock’s Nova Bomb. There are loads of mind games that need to be played but at around Round 4-ish you’ll see Supers start coming up so keep an eye out. Read the Supers and act accordingly. Additionally, space your Supers out as a team - don’t all pop your Supers in one round unless absolutely necessary. The most important stat you can spec into with mods is Recovery. On your armour at minimum you need to have tier 8 or 9 Recovery! I can’t stress this enough. It kills the gameplay flow when you have to sit in cover all day waiting for your health to come back. You can play more aggressively with more Recovery because you’ll get your health back faster than your enemy. Those shotgunners I spoke about before, if they’ve damaged you from a distance and you’re one shot they will push you, but if by the time they are pushing you’ve already recovered the majority of your health, you’re not just a sitting duck and can put up a somewhat even fight. If you’re in a premade fireteam of three, speak to your teammates and call things out. You’d be surprised how much important information is seen but not communicated. Even if you’ve died you’ve got that little spectator view and you can see things your teammates might not. A simple call out such as, “That warlock is in healing rift” or “He’s backed off and is going for a revive” leads to better on-the-fly decision making. Communicate and get your teammates on the same page as you when you see an opportunity. Practice makes perfect so play the normal PVP modes when Trials is not available and actively try to get better. Don’t just play it for your Pinnacle rewards and leave it for the week. Go in and take note of what needs improvement and work towards it. Understand the meta and look at what guns people are using. Maybe adjust your sensitivity because you’re over shooting a little. Work on your weaknesses in normal PVP and I guarantee you when Trials of Osiris comes back around you’ll go further on your card. Hype up your teammates! if you’re in party chat with them and they get a double kill, you’d be surprised how effective you telling them “well done” or my my favorite compliment of “Lets F*$%cking go!” is to keep them playing that way. A happy team wins more games.

In the video above you’ll learn the importance of teamwork, how to deal with some aggressive players and the most important mods and stats you need to spec into. Don’t worry if you don’t go Flawless, You’ll still get loads of loot if you win 50 rounds in total and increase your reputation with Saint-14 in the Tower Hanger. Let me know how you fare next weekend when Trials of Osiris returns. But in the meantime, you’ll need some cool cosmetics to flex when you make it to The Lighthouse. So here are the latest emblem and shader codes for Destiny 2. Or for a break from PvP, here’s what to do for Tracing the Stars in Destiny 2. While we also have pages on both the Enigmatic Mysteries and the Trivial Mysteries!

Destiny 2 Trials of Osiris   Flawless tips and tricks to access the Lighthouse and rewards - 79Destiny 2 Trials of Osiris   Flawless tips and tricks to access the Lighthouse and rewards - 29