In many RPGs, what you say to an NPC can have an effect on the desired outcome, and this too will be the case in the Fallout 76 Wastelanders update. According to Bethesda, you will be able to choose from a variety of responses when chatting up an NPC in the game. Like previous games in the Fallout series, your responses will have an effect on the outcome. The dialogue choices you choose may “help you forge alliances,” have an impact on your reputation, or even help you “find an alternate way to get something done.” The developers have not only added dialogue options to new NPCs but current ones such as Rose and MODUS. The quests they send you on haven’t changed, but they will have new interactions. While this isn’t groundbreaking, it’s nice to know choices will have an impact. You will also be able to keep track of everything you’ve said with the History option. It can be toggled on or off to show eight rows of dialogue subtitles. When chatting up an NPC, you can event skip individual lines “to help speed things along,” and even change the camera angle during conversations to get a better view of the character.   It was also announced that if you are playing the game now through March 2, you will earn some lovely double XP, which is always helpful. Wastelanders will be made available on April 7 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC through The game will also arrive on Steam the same day, and Wastelanders will be available to anyone who purchases the standard or deluxe editions of the game. In addition to introducing fully voiced NPCs to the world of Fallout 76, the update also includes a new storyline, locations, enemies, new weapons, a new reputation system and more.