According to Respawn, the decision to take Apex Legends Mobile offline did not come easy, but “factors” beyond its control have prevented it from “maintaining the high-quality experience and content” players deserve and expect. In an official announcement, the companies stated that despite a strong start, the content pipeline for Apex Legends Mobile began to “fall short of that bar for quality, quantity, and cadence.” Released for Android and iOS in May 2022, servers will be taken offline on May 1. All real money in-app purchases have been disabled, and the game is no longer available on web stores. You are free to spend your existing Syndicate Gold and continue playing the full game until the game is pulled. However, EA will not be offering refunds for real money purchases. Regarding the Battlefield mobile title, EA said it made the decision to stop development due to its desire to create a “deeply connected Battlefield ecosystem.” With this taking shape, the development team decided to “pivot from the current direction” to best deliver its vision for the franchise, and to meet the expectations of players. “We remain highly committed to unlocking Battlefield’s enormous potential,” reads the statement. “We’re hard at work at evolving Battlefield 2042 and are in pre-production on our future Battlefield experiences at our studios across the globe.”