A demo for Grounded, Obsidian’s next game, is coming to Xbox One through the Insider program and also to Steam. Steam users can get a taste of the single-player portion of the game from June 9-14 as part of the Steam Game Festival 2020. For those wanting to try it on Xbox One, you will need to register for Xbox Insider status. Once you are all signed up, on June 9 you will need to open up your Xbox Insider Hub program on either PC or your Xbox One and start downloading the game. Participation through the Xbox Insider Program is the only way to play Grounded on Xbox One during this time period. Involvement is on a first-come-first-serve basis through the Insider flight as there are limited slots available. Grounded is a co-op survival game, where four children get shrunk down in size and must defend their backyard from bugs by crafting and building defenses in order to grow back to normal size. As noted above, it also features a single-player portion. The game will hit Steam Early Access and Xbox Game Preview on July 28 and will be available to Xbox Game Pass Ultimate subscribers on the same day.