On this page:
How to get Monster Bone + in Monster Hunter Rise Quests that include Monster Bone + as a reward What recipes use Monster Bone + in Monster Hunter Rise
How to get Monster Bone + in Monster Hunter Rise
Monster Bone + can only be obtained by hunting certain High Rank monsters as part of Quests. Four types of monsters drop Monster Bone +: Great Baggi, Great Izuchi, Great Wroggi, and Kulu-Ya-Ku.
Hunting any of the four gets you Monster Bone + as a Target Reward. Alternatively, Great Baggi and Great Wroggi also have a chance to drop the item when they’re Captured. The likelihood of the drop containing a Monster Bone + is nigh-on identical in both cases, regardless of whether you target or capture. Unfortunately, those chances are only 12% or 13%, so be prepared to hunt a lot of monsters for this one.
Quests that include Monster Bone + as a reward
You can pick up Monster Bone + on many different quests in Monster Hunter Rise. There’s a fairly even split between Village Quests (single-player) and Hub Quests (single- or multiplayer), as well as between Key (main) and Non-Key (side) quests.
What recipes use Monster Bone + in Monster Hunter Rise
Monster Bone + is a key component in a number of weapon forging and armour crafting recipes. However, its most frequent (and arguably its most desirable) use is in upgrading weapons to higher levels.
To see how this impressive selection of armour stacks up against the others in the game, why not check out our guide to best early- and late-game armours next?