Fletchling will be the featured Pokemon for March Community Day in Pokemon Go, scheduled for Saturday, March 16. Things will kick off at 11am and end at 5pm local time. During this time, Fletchling will be appearing more frequently in the wild. If you’re lucky, you may encounter a Shiny one.
If you evolve the Pokemon to Fletchinder during the event or up to two hours afterward, you will get a Talonflame that knows Incinerate. You will also receive a surprise if you take a few snapshots during Community Day. There’ll be a special one-time-purchase Community Day Box available for 1,280 PokeCoins, featuring 50 Ultra Balls, five Lucky Eggs, a Poffin, and an Elite Fast TM. For $1 or your regional equivalent, you’ll be able to access the Fletchling Community Day–exclusive Special Research story, The Bravest Bird. Tickets for the Bravest Bird Special Research story will go live closer to the event, and Special Research will not include an in-game medal. Bonuses this time out include 3× Catch XP, and Incense activated during the event will last for three hours.