With that in mind, it’s time to talk about Wooper. The adorable fish Pokemon likes cold water and mud, but has since made it over to land after a territorial struggle, and now protects itself using poison. It’s one of my favourites, if you can’t tell, so you can imagine how excited I was to finally evolve Wooper into its brand-new evolution, Clodsire. Without further ado, here’s where to find Wooper and how to evolve it into Clodsire in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
Wooper locations in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
Wooper has a 60% encounter rate in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, so you shouldn’t have any trouble at all finding one once you know where to look. That said, the below map shows the habitat of Wooper, and you’ll be able to find an abundance of the Pokemon in southern Paldea, near ponds.
How to evolve Wooper into Clodsire in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
Fortunately for you, evolving Wooper into its brand-new evolution, Clodsire, is easy. After catching yourself one, all you need to do is keep Wooper in your party until it reaches Level 20, and then it should evolve. There you have it. Your very own Clodsire in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, and he’s not a half-bad pick for your ultimate Pokemon team, either. For more on Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, check out how to find Charcadet and evolve it, and don’t forget about the adorable Bellibolt either!