You’ll find the bulk of the offers at Best Buy, which seems to be having a bit of a clearout on console games from the last year or so.
Let’s start with a big one: how about Red Dead Redemption 2 for only $30? The Rockstar western has been out for over a year now (wow, really?) so the price has slowly been tumbling down even more over the last few months. I feel like everyone who wants to play it has surely got a copy now, but it might be one of those GTA5 things where it somehow manages to continue selling in spite of its age. Anyway, enough rambling, here’s where you can get it:
Red Dead Redemption 2 on PS4 for $29.99 Red Dead Redemption 2 on Xbox One for $29.99
Next up is the thrilling, zany and definitely a little bit silly Devil May Cry 5 for $20. Capcom has been on a great run recently and the latest demon-slaying adventure featuring Dante, Nero and, er, the new guy, certainly maintains that form. It’s a tight action game chock-full of the usual over-the-top DMC attitude – and even better at this price.
Devil May Cry 5 on PS4 for $19.99 Devil May Cry 5 on Xbox One for $19.99
Those are a couple of the major highlights. There are quite a few I’ve found for half price, though, so here’s everything else at a glance:
Hitman 2 on PS4 for $14.99 Hitman 2 on Xbox One for $14.99 Nintendo Labo Robot Kit for $29.99 Civilization 6 on Switch for $19.99 Yooka-Laylee: The Impossible Lair on PS4 for $19.99 Yooka-Laylee: The Impossible Lair on Xbox One for $19.99
Hopefully, there’s something there you’ve been after on the cheap. If you ever need more gaming offers then be sure to take a trip over to Jelly Deals. Join us to find the best price for Final Fantasy 7 remake, our picks for the best PS4 external hard drive and some of the best gamer gifts this Valentine’s Day.