All of the hype surrounding the latest additions to the amiibo line-up means they’ll probably sell out in advance. But worry not, as you secure yours by pre-ordering them now in the US and UK from the links below.
Metroid Dread amiibo pre-order US Metroid Dread amiibo pre-order UK
Metroid Dread amiibo dual pack pre-order UK and US
One of the biggest focus points of the Dread reveal was E.M.M.I., the game’s robot antagonist that chases Samus down in certain areas of the game. The Metroid Dread amiibo set is a dual pack, containing Samus in her Dread suit and the robot E.M.M.I. As is the case with most Nintendo amiibo, we’re expecting these to be difficult to find online after launch. The easiest way to guarantee you’ll get them is with a pre-order. Some retailers have released their pages but the pre-orders aren’t live at the time of writing. Your best bet is to check the links below, bookmark the pages you want to pre-order from and keep checking back.
Pre-order Metroid Dread amiibo in the US
Pre-order Metroid Dread amiibo in the UK
What do the Metroid Dread amiibo do?
Nintendo also revealed the Metroid Dread amiibo functionality during the Direct. Scanning the Samus amiibo into the game will grant you an additional energy tank, and you can also scan the amiibo once every day to refill your energy bar. As for the E.M.M.I. amiibo, you’ll get a missile plus tank, which upgrades your missile capacity by 10. And similar to the Samus amiibo, scanning the E.M.M.I amiibo once a day will completely refill your missiles.
Is there a Metroid Dread Special Edition?
Nintendo also announced a special edition of Metroid Dread as part of the reveal, which contains five high-quality art cards with key art for each 2D Metroid game, and a 190-page artbook covering all five entries in the Metroid 2D saga. You can find out where to pre-order Metroid Dread special edition here. Remember to keep checking back here as we’ll be updating this page with new information on pre-orders as soon as we’ve got it. Don’t forget, the Legend of Zelda Game and Watch was also announced at Nintendo’s E3 conference. Similar to these amiibo, we’d recommend getting your Zelda Game and Watch pre-order in to avoid missing out on grabbing one.