Red Dead Redemption 2 is stuffed full of little touches you might not immediately notice, like how a horse’s balls shrink in the cold and swing about on a sunny day, or how Arthur Morgan’s beard grows in real-time, even developing its own physics as it grows longer.

Then there are the animals, each of which is modelled after the behaviour of their real world counterparts. Check out this video of Red Dead Redemption 2’s animals compared to the real things for an in-depth look at that. Another little thing I never noticed when playing, mostly because bears are fucking terrifying in this game, is that you can actually stare down a bear to stop it from attacking you. All you need to do is stand your ground when it approaches and wait for it to wander off. According to players, this occasionally doesn’t work - I suppose it depends on the bear - but it’s a valid tactic more often than not. May I stand unshaken? Here’s a video showing the interaction:

Players on Reddit have been doing the same: To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Manage cookie settings It’s testament to the developers at Rockstar that people are still figuring things out so long after launch. It was only the other day we found out about “vomit roping”, an unintended mechanic that allows Red Dead Redemption 2 players to fall from great heights without taking damage. Want more help with animals? Here’s how to get perfect pelts in Red Dead Redemption 2.

You can stare down bears to prevent them attacking in Red Dead Redemption 2 - 32